Perfect if ‘You can’t make me!’ is your daily ops battlecry… 

when it's time to tame the inner rebel keeping your backend bottlenecked → UNFUCK your

ops dd



the goal

To quell that irrational resistance you feel when anyone tells you what to do…Including you.

Wait, what?

If you’re the boss of you, who intentionally answers to nobody (‘cept maybe a few clients), then…

Why the hell is it so damn hard for you to make you do what you put your mind to when it’s time to? 

Bullying, shaming, cramming, vacillating, stunting, pep talking, ‘eat the frogging,’ etc. None of it works. 

Thing is, you’re not an acrobat (unless you really are, then kudos to you master of flips). 

As an ND what you’ve got is more like ODD or PDA when it comes to handling the ins and outs of all your (over)commitments.

Which makes juggling daily ops alongside your cognitive dysfunction a Herculean feat.

So I got curious on how to squash the ‘can’t make me’ rebellion in my head (and my clients’ too). 

And, I decided to test something that just might make your inner defiant one give up the ops management mutiny that’s burning you TF out.









Frameworks, yawn. Who gives a f*ck? You, clearly, since you're reading this. Not because you like being told what to do. More because you'd rather move on to doing the shit you love, faster and more often. If only there was a way that worked with your brain to make that happen. Ooooh, I've gotchu. My agile AF frameworks are designed to engage your focus without the overstimulation or ops DD. And, if I only knew which one of my top three most requested frameworks you needed most right now? I'd create it first and get it in your hot little hands, fast. And for pennies...
To make this valuable, and non-triggering for you, plus intriguing and non-defeating for me, I chose to gamify. First part of the game? Click one of the 'cast your vote' links to magically transport to the bottom of this page. Read the short campaign promise from each of the contenders on the ballot to help with your backend bottleneck. Cast your vote for my next $44 framework with your much, much tinier donation to its campaign fund...First framework to hit 10 votes is declared the landslide winner. You'll even get to see the ballot count update while the polls are open. And, for your donation? You get that fun little framework front-runner in 30 days or less.







in case you need a little convincing...


Part of the reason why I paid Patty the retainer that I did is because she is autonomous, which I appreciate.

I just let her loose to run shit in the background. It's like an engine that stays warm. At times I was like, ‘Hey, you got this?’ and she’s like, ‘Yeah, it’s already done.’

I paid for that access to her time and it was worth every penny.

Patty is the salve, and she's so good at what she does.

She understands how to fix situations that are driving so many entrepreneurs bananas right now.

So honored to work with her. So thrilled to know her. You get a chance to work with Patty, do it!



fun and extras...

What extras? Glad you asked. For starters, you get the made for NDs beautifully basic winning framework in 30 days or less. A $44 value for just $11.

And, if your vote didn’t back the first place framework? Yours gets created in the next 60-90 days (depending on it’s final place in the polls). You’ll get it for FREE instead of ponying up the $44 when it gets rolled out. Now we’re at $88 worth of cool shiz for just $11.

Chose the winner? I won’t leave you out on that juicy bonus. Get your second choice for free once it’s ready

Can’t wait to whip it out and say, ‘Shut up and take my money!’? If you’re one of the first 10 to buy you’ll get the invite to join me and the other nine fastest-fingered backers on a live Zoom cowork session. We’ll implement, you can AMA, and? You’ll have a chance to collect other in-session bonuses. Which brings the new ‘Fuck Yes!’ value to $187!  


unf*ck Your digital disarray

Three easy ways to contain the chaos inside your backend pieces and parts so you can find, share, and use your digital shiz faster without losing your shiz in the process.


Build a beautifully basic backend with six tools or less for beginners on a budget or solos sick of the duct tape holding expensive shiz together they're not even sure they need.

Unf*ck Your SOP stalemate

Three quick and dirty ways to document those things you do behind the scenes of you business, using tools you already have, even if you hate constraint and suck at systems.

no upsells just a fun af sale